On 16th and 17th October 2018, our partners Kowit Somwaiya and Prasantaya Bantadtan speaks at the First WEN IP and Technology Transfer International Summit Forum in Hefei, Anhui Province, China. The event was organized by Rayto IP Group (Rayto Partners, P.C., Wen Partners, P.C. and Zhejiang Zhipu Intellectual Property Service Co., Ltd.) at Anhui Shilan Hotel. On the first day of the forum, Kowit Somwaiya, speaks on “Registration and Enforcement of Intellectual Property in Thailand” and “Technology Transfer and Cross-Border Mergers in Thailand”. Prasantaya Bantadtan speaks on “Intellectual Property Protection System in Myanmar”. On the second day, Mr. Somwaiya speaks on “How to Protect Your Trade Secrets in JVA and Manufacturing Distribution Agreement”. Click the slide covers below for more information.
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