Relaxation of Rules for Employing Long-term Foreign Residents in Thailand

On the 18th of August 2016, the Cabinet approved in principle a Ministerial Regulation Draft (the “MRA”) and a Prime Minister’s Office Announcement (the “PMOA”) for relaxing certain rules of the Working of Alien Act B.E. 2551 (2008) (the “Alien Act”) for long-term foreign residents in Thailand.

Under the MRA, foreigners who had been living in Thailand for long time and were granted special leniency to stay in Thailand will be exempted from the official fee for renewing their work permits.  Their children who were born in Thailand but did not receive the Thai nationality and foreigners in the process of obtaining the Thai nationality will enjoy the same exemption.

Under the PMOA, those foreigners will be allowed to work in any job suitable with their skills and capacities.  Currently, 27 types of jobs are allowed to foreigners under the Alien Act.

The Drafts have been submitted to the Council of State for their approval.


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