Will the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 Go into Full Effect in June 2022?

Will the full force and effect of the PDPA be postponed again?  The very likely answer is “NO”.  After having been postponed twice in 2020 and 2021, the PDPA has been scheduled to be fully enforced on and from 1st June 2022. Recently some federations of industries and chambers of commerce urged the authorities to… Read More

News / 29 Apr 2022

SEC Thailand Introduces Controls on Use of Digital Assets for Payment for Goods or Services

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (“SEC”) has recently issued regulations, that will take effect on 1st April 2022, prohibiting all licensed digital asset operators (“Operators”), namely, cryptocurrency and digital token exchanges, brokers, dealers, fund managers and advisors, from supporting or facilitating the use of digital assets for the payment for goods or services. … Read More

News / 31 Mar 2022

Trademark Registration and Trademark Re-Filing in Myanmar

This is an update on the law and the practice of Myanmar in relation to registration of new trademarks and re-filing / re-registration of registered trademarks and used trademarks as of 29th March 2022. New Trademark Registration under the Old Law The owner of a new trademark can register the trademark with the Office for… Read More

News / 30 Mar 2022

版权法(第5号):对版权法 B.E.2537 的进一步修改和补充

《版权法》(No. 5)  B.E. 2565对《版权法》B.E. 2537的修正案于2022年2月24日在  《 皇家公报》上公布,并将于2022年8月23日起生效,即公布之日起180天。这些修订的原因是为了使泰国的版权法符合世界知识产权组织(WIPO)管理的《世界知识产权组织版权条约》《WCT》,并鉴于与网络版权侵权相关的数字技术性质的变化,提高版权保护的有效性。我们将这些修正案的主要规定总结如下: (1)   摄影作品著作权保护期的延长 修改后的摄影作品保护期为作者终生及其死亡后五十年。这符合《WCT》中规定的保护期限。泰国正在成为世界贸易组织的成员。 (2)   服务提供者和服务用户的定义 在“服务提供商”的新定义下,互联网服务提供者分为以下四类: 1.   中介 ISPs(如TRUE、TOT、3BB); 2.   缓存ISPs(如Akamai、Cloudflare); 3.   托管 ISPs(如Facebook、Youtube);和 4.   搜索引擎ISPs(如谷歌,Yahoo!) 因此,“服务用户”的定义被修改为指服务提供者的用户,无论是否需要付款。 (3)   ISPs的安全港 修正案对安全港提出了新的规定。对于服务用户侵犯版权的行为,互联网服务提供者无需承担法律责任。符合安全港保护条件的一般规则是,所有类型的ISPs必须明确宣布并执行他们的重复侵权者政策(例如,暂停或终止侵权者用户帐户)。此外,根据第5号法案添加到《版权法》的第43/2、43/3、43/4和43/5条,每种类型的ISP都有各自的相关监管合规要求。 (4)   私下通知与删除系统 修正案废除了《版权法》关于法院删除通知程序的规定。因此,法院不再需要命令ISPs阻止或删除侵权内容。版权所有者现在可以直接向ISPs发送删除通知,让后者删除或禁用对此类侵权内容的访问。网络服务提供者收到通知后,应及时遵从著作权人的要求,并通知被指控侵犯著作权的相关服务用户。被控侵权用户可以行使提交抗辩通知的权利。ISPs必须通知版权所有人,ISP是否会删除或保留涉嫌侵权的内容。 (5)    技术保护措施 (TPMs) 第5号法案扩大了TPMs和TPM违规的定义,即任何导致TPM对访问控制无效的行为。每种类型的违反都可以归于某些豁免。该法案还对多方施加责任,包括有意使TMP失效的服务、产品或设备的制造商、销售商或分销商。 To see the archive of our past newsletters and articles pleas click here.

News / 22 Mar 2022

Copyright Act (No. 5): Further Changes and Additions to Copyright Act B.E. 2537

The Copyright Act (No. 5) B.E. 2565 on amendments to the Copyright Act B.E. 2537 was published in the Royal Gazette on 24th February 2022 and will become effective on and from 23rd August 2022, 180 days after the publication date.  The reasons behind these amendments are to bring the copyright law of Thailand in… Read More

News / 22 Mar 2022

Update on Trademark Re-Filing in Myanmar

From 25th February 2022 to 1st March 2022, the Intellectual Property Department (IPD) of the Ministry of Commerce of Myanmar held training sessions for trademark representatives (attorney/agents) on the intellectual property laws of Myanmar, including the Trademark Law 2019. The purpose of the training is to enhance the quality of the attorneys/representatives in the intellectual… Read More

News / 28 Feb 2022