Personal Data Transfer under the Personal Data Protection Law of Thailand

Data Transfer Limitation, Data Retention Limitation and Data Security RequirementsThe Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (“PDPA”) requires Data Controllers (“Controllers”) to comply with the personal data transfer limitation, have appropriate data security measures and comply with the limitation on personal data retention. Transfer LimitationUnder Section 28 of the PDPA, Controllers are prohibited from transferring… Read More

News, Publication, Article / 13 Mar 2020

Unfair Trade Practices in Franchise Business

Franchisors, amongst others, are prohibited from conducting any “unfair trade practices” that can cause damages to their franchisees under Section 57 of the Trade Competition Act B.E. 2560 (“TCA”).  To implement Section 57 of the TCA, for franchise business, the Trade Competition Commission issued its Notification on Guidelines for Consideration of Unfair Trade Practices in… Read More

News / 03 Mar 2020

Results of the 2019 Amendment to the Arbitration Act

Effective from 15th April 2019, the Arbitration Act B.E. 2545 (A. D. 2002) was amended by the Arbitration Act (No. 2) B.E. 2562 (A. D. 2019) to help foreign arbitrators obtain a work permit based on a certification letter issued by government authorities or institutions established for the purpose of dispute resolution by arbitration.  The… Read More

News / 25 Feb 2020

Myanmar Trademark Laws

Re-filing of Registered Trademarks in Myanmar Overview of Intellectual Property Laws of Myanmar

News, Seminar / 25 Feb 2020

Approval Requirements for Payment of Remuneration and Other Benefits to Directors and Related Parties of Company

On 3rd January 2020, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (“DICA”) issued its Notification No. 2/2020 re: Guidance on Approval Requirements for Payment of Remuneration and Other Benefits to Directors and Related Parties (“Notification”). Pursuant to Sections 187 and 188 of the Myanmar Companies Law 2017 (“MCL”), the Board of Directors (“BOD”) or the… Read More

News / 13 Feb 2020

New Public Ruling under Tax Administration Law

On 27th January 2020, the Internal Revenue Department (“IRD”) issued its public ruling (“PR”) related to tax assessments, fines, criminal actions and applicable penalties for failures to pay relevant taxes during the transitional period under the Tax Administration Law 2019 (“TAL”), which became effective retroactively since 1st October 2019. According to the PR, the IRD… Read More

News / 13 Feb 2020