Employment of Foreign Unskilled Labours for BOI Promoted Projects

On 4th December 2018, the BOI Office issued its Notification No. Por. 11/2561 re: Permission to Employ Foreign Unskilled Labours in Investment Promoted Projects to cancel its 2016 notification on permission to employ foreign unskilled labours. Previously, BOI promoted projects could employ only foreign unskilled labours from the neighboring countries which signed a memorandum of… Read More

News / 17 Dec 2018

New Rules on Direct Sales and Direct Marketing

On 2nd November 2018, the Prime Minister issued 2 Ministerial Regulations under the Direct Sales and Direct Marketing Act B.E. 2545 (A.D. 2002) (“DSDMA”) as amended by the Direct Sales and Direct Marketing Act (No. 3) B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017) to exempt e-commerce from the DSDMA and to set out rules for direct sales and… Read More

News / 17 Dec 2018

Kowit Somwaiya Speaks at the ACLA Intellectual Property Committee Annual Meeting in Nanning, China

The All China Lawyers Association (“ACLA“) by its Intellectual Property Committee and the Guangxi Lawyers Association organized the ACLA Intellectual Property Committee 2018 Meeting from 7thto 9th December 2018 in Nanning, China. On the second day of the meeting, Kowit Somwaiya, Managing Partner and Founder of LawPlus Ltd., gave keynote speech on “Overview of Thailand… Read More

News, Seminar / 14 Dec 2018

Recent Development of Amendment to the Copyright Act of Thailand: New Exemptions to Copyright Infringement for Disabled Persons

Thailand has finally enacted Copyright Act (No. 4) B.E. 2561 (A.D. 2018) (“Copyright Act No. 4”) to bring the Copyright Act B.E. 2537 (A.D. 1994) in line with the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (“Marrakesh Treaty”).  The Copyright Act No. 4… Read More

News / 30 Nov 2018

Five Notifications of Trade Competition Commission Become Effective

On 4th October 2018, the Trade Competition Commission (“TCC”) issued 5 notifications to implement the Trade Competition Act B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017) (“TCA”).  They were published in the Government Gazette on 1st November 2018 and have come into force since 2nd November 2018.  They cover implementation rules on market definition, market share, prohibited acts of… Read More

News / 30 Nov 2018

NLA Passes the New Property Tax Act

The NLA (National Legislative Assembly) approved the Property Tax Act B.E. 2561 (“Act”) on 16th November 2018.  The Act will repeal and replace the Household and Land Tax Act B.E. 2475 (A.D. 1932) and other local property tax laws.  The Act will soon be published in the Government Gazette and become effective on and from… Read More

News / 29 Nov 2018