Annual Labour Law Updates

On 19th January 2018, the HR Committee and the Legal Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce held a presentation on “Annual Labour Law Updates” at the Westin Grand Sukhumvit Hotel.  The event began with opening remarks by Mr. Douglas Mancill of the Legal Committee and Mr. Richard Jackson of the HR Committee.  They introduced… Read More

News / 29 Jan 2018

Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Bill Open for Public Hearing

Thailand’s Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (“MDES”) recently published the latest draft of the Personal Data Protection Bill (the “Bill”) for public hearing and public consultation during the period from 22nd January 2018 to 6th February 2018 before the MDES revises the Bill and submits it to the National Legislative Assembly (“NLA”) for approval…. Read More

News / 29 Jan 2018

New Official IP Mart Website of Thailand Finally Launched

On 11th January 2018, the Department of Intellectual Property of Thailand (“DIP”) launched a new website which is the official intellectual property market website (“IP Mart”). It is the very first intellectual property online marketplace in Thailand, aiming to promote the commercial use of existing intellectual property rights such as copyrights, invention patents, design patents,… Read More

News / 29 Jan 2018

Ministerial Regulation for Madrid System in Thailand Has Been Enacted

Thailand has finally enacted the Ministerial Regulation Regarding the International Trademark Registration under the Madrid System (“Madrid Regulation”).  It was published in the Royal Gazette on 18th December 2017 and become effective retroactively from 7th November 2017, which is the effective date of Madrid Protocol in Thailand. Since 7th November 2017, an international trademark application… Read More

News / 11 Jan 2018

Thailand Finally Removed from the US Priority Watch List

On 15th December 2017, the US Trade Representative (“USTR”) announced that the USTR is closing the Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review of Thailand which was initiated on 15th September 2017, and it is moving Thailand from Priority Watch List (PWL) to the lower Watch List (WL) category for its intellectual property protection. “We welcome the corrective… Read More

News / 11 Jan 2018

Ministerial Regulation on Interrogation for Business Collateral Enforcement

On 15th December 2017, the Ministerial Regulation on Interrogation for Business Collateral Enforcement (“Interrogation Regulation”) under the Business Collateral Act B.E. 2558 (A.D. 2015) (“BCA”) was published in the Royal Gazette and it has become effective since then. Under the BCA, business collateral has become a new type of securities in Thailand in addition to… Read More

News / 11 Jan 2018