Invitation to Invest in Import Substitute Commodities

On 22nd December 2017, the Myanmar Investment Commission (“MIC”) issued its Announcement in order to invite foreign companies to invest in import substitute commodities in the following investment areas:- (1)  manufacturing of different types of vehicles and vehicle related fixtures and parts of machines; (2)  manufacturing of tractors and trailers; (3)  manufacturing of telephone and… Read More

News / 11 Jan 2018

Public Hearing on Regulatory Approach for Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

Currently Thailand does not have a specific law on initial coin offering (ICO).  On 14th September 2017, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that ICO of digital coins (tokens) could represent rights and obligations that may result in digital coins fall within the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (SEC Act). On 27th October… Read More

News / 11 Jan 2018

Myanmar Companies Law 2017

On 6th December 2017, the Myanmar Companies Law 2017 (“MCL”) was passed to replace the Myanmar Companies Act 1914 (“MCA”) in order to modernize the current legal structures of companies and enhance foreign investment in Myanmar. 1.  Overseas Corporation “Overseas corporation” means a company incorporated outside Myanmar.  In order to carry on business in Myanmar,… Read More

News / 09 Jan 2018

Thailand Finally Removed from the US Priority Watch List

On 15th December 2017, the US Trade Representative (“USTR”) announced that the USTR is closing the Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review of Thailand which was initiated on 15th September 2017, and it is moving Thailand from Priority Watch List (PWL) to the lower Watch List (WL) category for its intellectual property protection. “We welcome the corrective… Read More

News / 20 Dec 2017

APAA Thailand Group and IPAT Joint Seminar on Draft Amendment to Patents Act of Thailand

On 8th December 2017, APAA Thailand Group and IPAT jointly organized a full-day seminar on the draft amendment to the Patents Act B.E. 2522 of Thailand (“Draft Amendment”).  The latest Draft Amendment was published by the Department of Intellectual Property (“DIP”) for public hearing and public consultation during 19th May 2017 to 1st June 2017. … Read More

News / 14 Dec 2017

The Madrid Protocol Has Become Effective in Thailand

The Madrid Protocol has come into force for Thailand since 7th November 2017.  Since then, an international trademark application under the Madrid System is allowed to be filed with the Trademark Office in Thailand (“TMO”) under the current law and trademark owners in other member states may designate Thailand in their international applications to seek… Read More

News / 14 Dec 2017