The Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 Comes into Force (Updated as of 8th April 2023)

The Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 Comes into Force The MOC Announces the Trademark Registration Rules The IPA Announces the Official Fee Rates The DIP Announces the Grand Opening Date Updated as of 8th April 2023 The State Administration Council (“SAC”) issued the Notification No. 82/2023 on 10th March 2023 to announce that the Myanmar Trademark… Read More

News / 12 Apr 2023

Obtaining A Work-From-Thailand Professional LTR Visa: The Best Practice

Thailand has implemented the Long Term Resident Visa (“LTR Visa”) plan since September 2022.  The plan works well and is popular amongst eligible foreigners. As of March 2023, the BOI reported that BOI received approximately 3,000 LTR Visa applications for four categories of eligible foreigners, i.e. wealthy global citizens, wealthy pensioners, work-from-Thailand professionals, and highly-skilled… Read More

News / 10 Apr 2023

The Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 Comes into Force

The State Administration Council (“SAC”) issued the Notification No. 82/2023 on 10th March 2023 to announce that the Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 (“MTL”) would come into force on 1st April 2023 (“MTL Effective Date”). On 31st March 2023, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) issued the Notification No.17/2023 to issue the Trademark Registration Rules (“TMR”).  The… Read More

News / 03 Apr 2023

Courts in Myanmar Are Granted Jurisdiction as Intellectual Property Courts

On 24th March 2023, the Supreme Court of the Union (“SCU”) issued 5 notifications to confer jurisdiction over IPR cases to several courts resulting in these courts being the IPR Courts (“IP Courts”) under Section 66 of the Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 (“MTL 2019”) effective on and from 1st April 2023.  The IP Courts which… Read More

News / 28 Mar 2023

The Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 Comes into Force

The State Administration Council issued the SAC Notification No. 82/2023 dated 10th March 2023 to announce that the Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 (“MTL”) will come into force on 1st April 2023 (“MTL Effective Date”). It is expected that the Department of Intellectual Property (“DIP”) will announce the Grand Opening Period (“GOP”) for filing fresh applications… Read More

News / 28 Mar 2023

Thailand Amends the Labour Protection Act to Recognize Working-From-Home

The Labour Protection Act (No. 8) B.E. 2566 (2023) (“Act No. 8”) was gazetted on 19th March 2023 to amend the Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998) (“LPA”) to set out the requirements and guidelines for work-from-home arrangements.  The Act No. 8 will come into force on and from 18th April 2023. The Act No…. Read More

News / 23 Mar 2023