Tax Cuts to Boost Economy in Thailand

On 13th October 2015, the Government of Thailand approved a fiscal stimulus package to boost the SMEs and revive the real estate markets. The Royal decree reducing the transfer fee for the sale of real property and the mortgage registration fee was published in the Royal Thai Government Gazette and is effective since 29th October 2015. The others… Read More

Publication / 13 Oct 2016

Myanmar Opened its Broadcasting and TV Market

On August 28th 2015, the President U Thein Sein signed the first-ever broadcasting law in Myanmar, opening the television market to the private sector. The Broadcasting Law 2015 (the “BL”) sets up the legal framework for the development of the Myanmar broadcasting industry. Commercial licenses for TV or radio will be available for bidding and an independent supervisory authority… Read More

Publication / 13 Oct 2016

Fund Marketing in Thailand under the ASEAN Collective Investment Scheme

The ASEAN Collective Investment Scheme (“ASEAN CIS”) aims at facilitating the crossborder sale of mutual funds across Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. It was launched on the 25th of August 2014 by Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand and it remains open to the other ASEAN countries to join. It is similar to the UCITS framework (Undertakings for Investment in… Read More

Publication / 12 Oct 2016

Patent Assignment in Thailand

It is possible to assign a registered patent or a pending patent application in Thailand. This article gives a summary of the basis on which pending patent applications and registered patents are assigned in Thailand. Patent Assignment A patent holder can assign his pending patent application or registered patent by signing a deed of assignment… Read More

Publication / 12 Oct 2016


We advise, assist and represent clients in Thailand and Myanmar on:- Corporate income tax Commercial tax Personal income tax Property and inheritancy taxes Stamp duties Tax assessment Tax incentives under laws on investment promotion, special economy zones, industrial estates Transfer pricing VAT Withholding tax For more information, please Contact Us.

Publication / 03 Oct 2016

Telecommunications, Media & Technology

We have advised clients on some of the most complex ICT projects and operations. Navigating the TMT market is challenging.  Disruptive innovations create new difficulties for the legislators, operators and users. Our lawyers are fluent in laws and practices in telecommunication, media & technology, they have a clear understanding of the policies and practices of key governmental… Read More

Publication / 03 Oct 2016