Personal Data Protection Law of Thailand: Notice & Content

Under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (“PDPA”) notice and consent are two separate but related matters required for any collection, use or disclosure of personal data. Notice RequirementThe PDPA requires the Controller to notify each data subject of the purpose of any collection, use or disclosure of personal data prior to or… Read More

News, Publication, Article / 14 Jan 2020

Personal Data Protection Law Of Thailand: Introduction

Overview The Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (“PDPA”) of Thailand came into force in part on the 28th of May 2019. It establishes a legal framework which protects personal data of individuals and allows businesses to realize economic values from personal data. A one-year grace period up to the 28th May 2020 is… Read More

News, Publication, Article / 14 Jan 2020

2019 INTA Asia Conference – Brand protection in Thailand and Myanmar

INTA’s 2019 Asia Conference: Brands in Changing Times, October 17-18 in Kuala Lumpur will look into issues surrounding brand owners doing business in the region so that they may innovate, protect, enforce, and grow. With the global marketplace changing at record speed, brands and their legal teams must evolve with the times. So, if you… Read More

News, Publication, Seminar / 19 Jul 2019

Thailand’s Intellectual Property: Year in Review 2018

Dear Clients and Colleagues, There have been various legislative updates and changes in the intellectual property law and practice of Thailand in 2018, and further developments can be expected in 2019.  To keep you updated of these developments, we list some key updates and changes as shown below. 1.   Accession to Madrid Protocol The… Read More

News, Publication / 22 Jan 2019

Investment Promotion for 10 Targeted Industries and Infrastructure Projects in the Eastern Economic Corridor of Thailand

1.  Overview               The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) covers an area of 3 provinces in the eastern region of Thailand.  The 3 provinces are Chachoengsao, Chonburi and Rayong.  The EEC is established by laws passed in 2017 and 2018 to promote investments in 10 specially targeted industries, which are the next-generation automotive, smart electronics, affluent… Read More

News, Publication, Article / 31 Oct 2018


1.   Major Legislations (1)  The Digital Asset Business Operation Emergency Decree B.E. 2561 (A.D. 2018) (“DABO”). (2)  The Revenue Code Amendment (No. 19) Emergency Degree B.E. 2561 (A.D. 2018) (“ARCA”). (3)  Implementation rules and regulations for implementing the laws under (1) and (2) issued by the Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) and the Securities and Exchange… Read More

Publication, Legal Brief / 24 Aug 2018