DICA Announcement on Filing of Annual Returns

On 22nd October 2019, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (“DICA”) issued its Announcement to set out the procedures and deadlines companies registered under the Myanmar Companies Law 2017 (“MCL”) to file Annual Returns (“AR”). 1.   Private limited companies and public limited companies registered under the MCL are required to file (1) the AR… Read More

News / 28 Nov 2019

Import License Fees

The Ministry of Commerce (“MOC“) issued its Notification No. 58/2019 dated 10th October 2019 to set out import license fees for importation of products into Myanmar.  The rates of the import license fees are based on the CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) value of products according to Section 13(b) of the Export and Import Law 2012… Read More

News / 28 Nov 2019

Latest Changes Related to Trademark Registration in Myanmar

Following the enactment of the Myanmar Trademark Law 2019 (“MTL”), Myanmar is replacing its old trademark registration system where declarations of trademark ownerships (“DTO”) are registered with the Office for Registration of Deeds with a new trademark registration system where trademarks will be registered with the Myanmar Intellectual Property Office (“MIPO”). 1.   Re-filing of Registered… Read More

News / 31 Oct 2019

Announcement of MIC on Prior Approval of Myanmar Investment Commission

The Myanmar Investment Commission (“MIC”) has issued its Announcement on Obtaining Prior Approval from the MIC dated 26th September 2019. Under this Announcement, companies operating businesses under MIC permits, MIC endorsements or Region/State Investment Committee endorsements must obtain prior approval from the MIC for the followings:- (a)   an extension of time for remittance of foreign… Read More

News / 31 Oct 2019

Union Tax Law 2019

The Union Parliament of Myanmar passed the Union Tax Law 2019 (“UTL”) on 24th June 2019 as the Pyidaungsu Htuttaw Law No. 30/2019.  The UTL entered into force from 1st October 2019.  Its major provisions are summarized below. 1.   Special Commodity Tax (“SCT”) 1.1   Sale of special commodities as prescribed under Section 6 of Special… Read More

News / 31 Oct 2019

Deeds Registration Rules

On 10th September 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (“MOALI”) issued its Notification No. 299/2019 called Deeds Registration Rules (“DRR”) under the Deeds Registration Law 2018 (“DRL”) to set out the procedures for registration of deeds in Myanmar. The major provisions of the DRR include: – 1.   For a deed executed abroad, the… Read More

News / 31 Oct 2019