Minimum Capital Remittance Requirements for Foreigners

Effective from 28th August 2019, the Ministerial Regulation on Determination of Minimum Capital and Period of Time for Bringing in or Remitting Minimum Capital into Thailand B.E. 2562 issued by the Ministry of Commerce under the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (1999) (“FBA”) requires foreigners who are holders or non-holders of a Foreign Business License… Read More

News / 12 Sep 2019

Brand Protection and Enforcement in Myanmar

Old System and Trademark Law 2019 Before 2019, protection and enforcement of trademarks in Myanmar were possible under the “old system” based mainly on the Specific Relief Act 1877, the Law of Torts 1855, the Penal Code 1860, the Civil Procedure Code 1908, the Registration Act 1908 and the Deeds Registration Law 2018.  The first-to-use… Read More

News, Legal Brief / 08 Aug 2019

Cannabis Law Implementation Rules

The 2019 amendment of the Narcotics Act B.E. 2522 (1979) (“NA”) entered into force on and from 19th February 2019 (“Effective Date”) allowing uses of cannabis for medicine and research and development (“R&D”) purposes.  Subsequently, the relevant authorities have issued several rules to implement the amended NA. 1.   Possession of Cannabis before the Effective… Read More

News / 07 Aug 2019

Tax Administration Law 2019

The Union Parliament of Myanmar passed Tax Administration Law (“TAL”) on 7th June 2019 as a Pyidaungsu Htuttaw Law No. 20/2019.  It was signed by the President of Myanmar on the same day.  It will enter into force on 1st October 2019.  The TAL is one of the most significant tax legislations.  It aims to… Read More

News / 31 Jul 2019

New Interest Rates for Microfinance Institutions

On 5th June 2019, the Microfinance Business Supervisory Committee (“MBSC”) issued the Directive No. 1/2019 on new interest rates for microfinance institutions operating in Myanmar, which will enter into force on 1st October 2019. The new interest rates are as follows:- 2.3% per month but not more than 28% per annum for microfinance loans calculated… Read More

News / 31 Jul 2019

Export of Local Products

On 4th June 2019, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) issued the Notification No. 24/2019 (“Notification”) to allow foreign companies and joint venture companies to export 7 categories of local products subject to recommendations of the relevant authorities and/or other requirements listed below. The MOC may adjust the categories of the products depending on the local… Read More

News / 31 Jul 2019