Trademark Law of Myanmar Finally Passed

The Myanmar’s Trademark Law (“TML”) was finally passed by the Union Parliament of Myanmar (PyidaungsuHtuttaw) on 24thJanuary 2019.  The TML has been sent to the President for his approval and signature before it becomes effective on the day of its publication in the official gazette.  Once the TML comes into force, it will establish a… Read More

News / 30 Jan 2019

Special Executive Order of NCPO Regarding Patent Applications in Thailand Involving Marijuana or Its Extract

On 28th January 2019, the National Council for Peace and Order (“NCPO”) issued the Order No. 1/2562 (the “Order”) to amend the Patent Act B.E. 2522 and set out the measures on patent examinations for special cases relevant to an invention that involves marijuana or its extract. The Order was published in the Royal Gazette… Read More

News / 30 Jan 2019

Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Bill under Consideration of NLA

As 28th January is a Data Privacy Day, we would like to take this opportunity to update our readers on the latest status of the Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Bill (the “Bill”).  The Bill went through public hearings and public consultations in January and September 2018. On 25th December 2018, the Bill was submitted to… Read More

News / 30 Jan 2019

Intellectual Property Protection and Risk Management

News, Seminar / 29 Jan 2019

Paramee Kerativitayanan Speaks at the ALSA Conference 2019 on Data Protection Law

During January 24th to 29th 2019, the Asian Law Students’ Association (“ALSA”) hosted the ALSA Conference in Thailand, one of the biggest events in ALSA International with participants from over 10 countries. The theme of the event this year is on privacy right, which has been in concern of most of the countries around the… Read More

News, Seminar / 29 Jan 2019

Logo Can Be Protected As A Trademark And A Copyright In Thailand

Trademarks and copyrights can happen to be overlapping.  A logo trademark usually comprises an artistic work. Where copyright protection subsists, this provides rights that are valuable and additional to but quite different from those arising under the trademark law. In Thailand, enforcement of a logo trademark can legally be litigated in one or several proceedings… Read More

News, Article / 24 Jan 2019