New Law on Recruitment of Foreigners to Work in Thailand

On 15th August 2016 the Government of Thailand published in the Government Gazette the Royal Decree on Recruitment of Foreigners B.E. 2559 (A.D. 2016) (the “Royal Decree”). The Royal Decree came into force on and from 16th August 2016. Its main objectives are to act prevent and suppress human trafficking, forced labor, exploitation of foreign… Read More

News / 30 Sep 2016

Proposed Amendment to the Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Act of Thailand

On 9th August 2016, the Cabinet accepted a bill (the “Draft Act”) proposed by the Ministry of Commerce to amend the Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Act B.E. 2542 of Thailand (the “ADC Act”) in its principle and forwarded it to the Council of State for review before it is sent to the National Legislative Assembly (“NLA”)… Read More

News / 30 Sep 2016